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NZQA have just updated the MIDI unit standards. These are greatly improved and have greater relevance to modern industry standards. They will work in very well with students composing using MIDI as part of project based learning. You can find these by clicking here.


This is the resource to accompany the new Level 1 Unit Standard 32300 "Demonstrate and apply introductory knowledge of MIDI sequencing".


This resource consists of workbook and video tutorials with sample tasks, exemplars and assessment schedules. Students will be able to learn how to do MIDI sequencing in the classroom setting or by themselves in a 'flipped classroom' format. This level one unit standard resource uses the free MIDI sequencer for all tasks and exercises. However, all the exercises can be completed in any MIDI sequencer/DAW including the free for schools Ableton Live Intro. We believe these DAWs are the best options for non-DJ style genres. If you are keen on sequencing in DJ style genres then contact Martin Emo and the Serato team.


Please note, this is just for the new MIDI sequencing standard and does not including teaching and assessment resources for the new notation unit standard.

Music Technology Flipped Classroom - MIDI SEQUENCING LEVEL 1

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